Jumaat, 9 Mei 2014

Sejarah batu meringkik di watang bacukiki

Sejarah Batu Meringkik di Watang Bacukiki
Bila berkunjung di Kelurahan Watang Bacukiki, maka kita akan menemui sebuah batu besar  yang menyerupai kuda meringkik. Batu ini dianggap keramat bagi penduduk warga sekitar, bahkan menjadikannya sebagai simbol dan penamaan wilayah. Bacukiki berasal dari kosa kata Bugis “ Batukiki” yang berarti batu meringkik.

Para pengunjung  yang hendak memasuki perkampungan Watang Bacukiki seolah sudah merasakan hawa mistis  kampung tersebut. Saat memasuki perkampungan ini, dapat dijumpai  sebuah batu besar berukuran tinggi, kurang lebih delapan meter dan lebarnya mencapai 10 meter. Batu tersebut berada tepat di jalan masuk kampung dan membedah jalan.

Dari keterangan penduduk setempat, batu tersebut berasal dari atas bukit Bacukiki. Konon ceritanya, batu ini berpindah sendiri dari tempat asalnya. Hingga sekarang ini, batu besar tersebut diyakini sebagai  batu keramat. Karena tak jarang baik penduduk setempat dan penduduk luar daerah Parepare memberikan sesajen. Namun tidak diketahui pasti  hari pemberian sesajen itu.
“ Pemberian sesajen itu itu tidak menentu, biasanya mereka datang kalau mendapat mimpi buruk atau baik. Pemberian sesajen ini dipercayai akan membawa keberuntungan seperti mendapatkan keberhasilan usaha dan mendapatkan keselamatan” ujar Ambo Mapitang, salah seorang penduduk setempat.

Menurut cerita penduduk sekitar Watang Baukiki, batu ini seringkali terdengar meringkik seperti ringkikan suara kuda. Dimana ringkikan suara kuda itu konon menandakan datangnya musibah. Salah satu musibah yang diyakini yakni adanya kematian di kalangan istana, wabah penyakit menyerang kampung, dan adanya musibah lain seperti kebakaran.

Sementara itu, salah seorang warga, Muh Bangga (54), mengaku sering melakukan ritual di batu tersebut dan ia melakukannya  karena mimpi. Dalam mimpinya meminta melakukan ritual keberhasilan panen petani setempat. Selain itu,pihaknya sering membawakan  sesajen di batu keramat itu untuk meminta keselamatan dan rezeki.

Bukan hanya warga setempat yang biasa melakukan ritual sesajen di batu keramat itu. Akan tetapi, banyak dari warga dari luar yang datang melakukan ritual dengan berbagai macam permintaan  yang mereka minta. Kini masyarakat setempat berharap batu tersebut tidak mengeluarkan suara seperti ringkikan kuda. Jika itu terjadi, penduduk desa ini khawatir akan terjadi musibah lagi.

Saat ini Kelurahan Watang Bacukiki menjadi tempat objek wisata karena daerah ini telah ditetapkan sebagai desa wisata oleh Pemkot Parepare.Beberapa sisa peniggalan kerajaan disimpan di Museum Labangengnge.

deskripsi dalam baghasa inggris

Descriptive Teks
Parepare is the second busiest city in South Sulawesi. It’s situated 150 kms on the northern part of makassar. It takes approximately 3 hourst by bus from Makassar. Parepare is also known as a transit, business and education city. The nick names of Parepare are Bandar Madani City, Bersahaja City, and Adipura City.
There are two seaports in Parepare. They are Nusantara and Cappa ujung harbors. The main harbor is Nusantara, located in the center of Parepare city. There is also a city square. Local people call it “Andi Makkasau Square.” Lumpue beach is one of places of interest in Parepare. This bown sandy beach is interesting  to visit. Senggol is a night market in Parepare. Saturday night is the most waited night for teenagers because on Saturday night the market is very crawded. Sejahtera is a place to buy groceries, home appliances, clothing and many more. Local people call it “Small mall.” Lakessi is the modern market and many people who visit it. Fatima Hospital is the famous and a big hospital in Parepare. KFC is a place to eat that much in interest by the parepare. There are many available on the KFC menu and all the food is expensive. INBOX is a singing family. INBOX is open from morning till night. WaterBoom is a vacation spot that has a swimming pool. Before you enter the Waterboom, you must pay entrance fees Rp. 15.000 for adults. Office where the post office is sending letter. Located next to the Andi Makkasau square and this office orange. 2 Senior High School one of the best schools in Parepare and one of the school that have accelerated classes. This school is located at Jl. Jenderal Sudirman and school principal named Mr. Drs. Tajrin. The school has three classes, namely acceleration rate, seed, and regular. Many of his students who excel in following the olympicsand other competitions. The school is also in the interest of many students who have passed.
That buildings is in Parepare, every is happy to stay there. There is a pride in Parepare, in Parepare is the birthplace of former president BJ Habibie named Indonesia.

contoh mempromosikan pekerjaan dalam bahasa inggris

My name Arfiani juhran, this time I am in the business world tupperware...
I am a grub menejer in PT. Banten eternal grace. around 2012 I introduced in tupperware
by my neighbor asked me to join him, but sometimes I had not yet feel confident and constraints
My main is capital. but thanks to the encouragement and support of a family who said I
ventured in the business of tupperware. I view the learning period is when the mother agustina yeah prodak march in various parti tupperware. yeah looks so confident and fluent speaking in front of crowds telling seeded into prodak.
            in november 2011 I was appointed as manager for the spirit of pursuing challenge too. In 2012 a golden year for me that was a turning point. tupperware in the business after two years I began to be able to enjoy all toil and hard work I
            in 2013 I was appointed to be the grub menejer, funny always enlivened incident at hospital admission because of fatigue. I have now been three years in the business of tupperware. My dream come true little by little.
            life changes with tuperware it is not empty but the message is real existence. I'm proof, thanks tupperware.

Contoh deskripsi dalam bahasa inggris

Descriptive Teks
Parepare City
Parepare is located in South Sulawaesi. Parepare is one of femous city. Distance from Makassar to Parepare is 152 km. Parepare area is 99,33 km2 and a population of 157337 souls.
There are same places that you can visit. Such as : Senggol, Senggol is the place to buy something in the night. Anoner place is Lakessi, the traditional market in parepare. Post office is the place to send or accept something. Water boom is the place to swimming in swimming pool, Inbox is the place to sing a song. Lumpue beach is the places to swimming in a sea. KFC is the restaurant to eat a chicken kentucky. Sejahtera is a big mall in parepare. Mie Titi is the restaurant to eat mie special. Nusantara harbor is one of a big harbor in Parepare. A. Makkasau square is the place to match, sport or exhibition. A. Makkasau Hospital is the famous and a big hospital in Parepare and the last is SMAN 2 Parepare, the place to study and one of the famous school in Parepare.
It is the places to visited in Parepare.