Descriptive Teks
Parepare City
Parepare is located in South Sulawaesi. Parepare is one of femous city.
Distance from Makassar to Parepare is 152 km. Parepare area is 99,33 km2 and
a population of 157337 souls.
There are same places that you can visit. Such as : Senggol, Senggol is the
place to buy something in the night. Anoner place is Lakessi, the traditional
market in parepare. Post office is the place to send or accept something. Water
boom is the place to swimming in swimming pool, Inbox is the place to sing a
song. Lumpue beach is the places to swimming in a sea. KFC is the restaurant to
eat a chicken kentucky. Sejahtera is a big mall in parepare. Mie Titi is the
restaurant to eat mie special. Nusantara harbor is one of a big harbor in
Parepare. A. Makkasau square is the place to match, sport or exhibition. A.
Makkasau Hospital is the famous and a big hospital in Parepare and the last is
SMAN 2 Parepare, the place to study and one of the famous school in Parepare.
It is the places to visited in Parepare.
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